Wednesday, May 24, 2006

CollaboZOT! BlogZOT! MacZOT!

Well, it's time for another fun event for MacZOT! They've got what they call a CollaboZOT going on, which involves team play and about $160 in software for steadily-increasing quantities of money (starting at $19.95 and increasing by $5 every day—except for today, though...) So they're trying to add Pzizz to the deal, and despite the fact that I have it and absolutely LOVE it, I am always supportive of contributing to a good cause. :D Fans want Pzizz because 'According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep deprivation and its effect on work performance may be costing U.S. employers some $18 billion each year in lost productivity. Another study pushes this cost to over $100 billion.' - link to full article

Always glad to contribute to the cause!